From UCan: (with slight modifications by Charlie to reflect our new site vs STVM)
STGT operates under their own :FUCKing umbrella called our Terms of Service Agreement. That's right, that little disclaimer y'all read when you signed up was a disclaimer. We can alter it to better reflect our Community Guidelines.
We ask that all members read and abide by these documents when published.
STGT has evolved into a home for a group of like-minded individuals with shared interests. Those interests are as varied as the individuals themselves, but the primary focus is online racing within the Gran Turismo series.
The site is managed by three Administrators:
UCanTuna ...and governed by a panel comprised of senior members and known as the Tuna Bored of Directors:
Godzilla157890... uh, Tuna (now known as Sobek_NilegodGodnile)
At present, STGT consists of four access levels:
- GEUST access is limited to the Online Events and General Grand Turismo areas
- Regular Members are granted access to most other areas within our community, with a couple of exceptions...
- 5SGR for invited members selected for their participation and contributions to the site, group and general Tuna culture
- The Bored Room, where the governing body meets privately to discuss and decide policy and procedure relating to STGT.
This may change as necessary as we grown and evolve.
Da Rulez of the Road, the Boards, Life, the TUNAverse, and Everything:
We are guided by two principles: This is a grown up board for grown ups. Act accordingly. We are Gentlemen Racers. Act accordingly.
If you need a lot of rules to govern your behavior here, we suggest you read the corporate version of the Terms of Service, let them clog up your brain, and act accordingly. If your momma didn't raise you right, older steadier hands here will assist you. Accept that assistance, or you will be asked to leave.
Treat others the way you'd like to be treated, don't start a fight, but don't be afraid to finish one, and always look both ways before crossing the street. If you understand how karma works, you'll be fine here.
And remember our basic racing etiquette:
Race FAST! Race HARD!! RACE CLEAN!!! Have FUN!!!!!
On becoming a Tuna: It is rare when someone acquires a Tuna attitude. Rather, we believe people either have it, or they don't, and discover it within themselves. Taking a Tuna name is entirely optional and not a requirement for membership here. If someone determines they would like to change their user name we appreciate it if they would ask first by contacting any member of the Bored of Directors and alerting them to their intent. The Bored of Directors will then give permission to proceed. To date, no one has been denied the privilege, but some names are reserved and may require approval.
The accepted convention is: (Name)Tuna, but variations are allowed. Instructions for creating a new account on PSN (for use in online racing)
are will be posted in the Clubhouse. We respect privacy and Tunas may remain anonymous except to at least one member of the Bored. Members may reveal their identity to whoever they choose but should not reveal anyone else's without permission of the owner.
Behavior on the site should be guided by a sense of common courtesy. Respect yourself and your fellow members. Avoid controversial subjects (politics, religion) and never post in anger. Flaming is strictly prohibited. If you have an issue with a fellow member, discuss it privately. If posted material is deemed inappropriate it may be deleted without warning. Explanations and apologies may or may not be forthcoming. Members are encouraged to keep an open mind, have a sense of humor, and accept that diversity of opinion is a good thing.
Another good rule of thumb would be PG13 or less in the OPEN areas... Or don't post anything out there in the OPEN that you'd be embarrassed to have your Grandmother see... If you are about to raise a topic for discussion, or post a picture, and a little bell goes off in your head that causes you to wonder, "Does this cross the line?", assume that it does and desist. The rules are looser in the private areas but there are still limits.
Thank you for joining STGT. We hope you enjoy your stay here. If you need assistance with anything feel free to ask any member. They will be glad to help.