How do you get telemetry going?
1. Download (I think you have to create an account to download. If you don't want to I can upload it somewhere for you.) and extract it to My Documents\MoTeC Projects You'll need to create this folder... right click anywhere inside your My Documents folder and click "Create" then "New Folder (make sure it is exact, watch the capital letters in MoTeC). So when you open this folder after you extract this file into it, you should see a folder called Spads GTR2.
2. Download and install MoTeC here - In your My Documents folder, go here - C:\Users\"Your Name"\Documents\SimBin\RACE 07\UserData\"Your Steam Name". In there, there will be a .plr file that has your Steam name as the title. Open this file in notepad and change it to look like this...
Obviously yours won't say "Joel" but you get the idea...
Once you're finished with the above, go and run some laps somewhere. It will log data in any mode (practice, race, time attack, etc.)
Once you've finished your session, open the MoTeC software and click to "Create New Project". Tip: You'll only need to create one project. Each session DOES NOT need a new project to be created. Therefore, I recommend to call your project something like "Race 07".
Once your project is open, click "File" up on the top menu and choose "Open Log File". Then navigate to C:\MoTeC\Logged Data and open your session.
That's it!
I've made some modifications to the way the program works that I think are for the better so if you want them let me know and I can send you my Project file.
If you have any questions let me know.
Your site seams to be abandoned.
Pretty much. It was worth a shot and I learned some stuff along the way so it's not a total loss and it's still there in case I/we ever need it.