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well I certainly here ya boston... the constant influx of nissans and japanese cars in general is frustrating.
agent is probably right that they will constnatly inundate us with Nissans. But hopefully they include others alongside the Nissans which are vastly different varieties of cars.
which is why I say, buy the Honda HSV or whatever its called, because truly it is one of the most amazing drives you could experience, but DON'T buy the other two if you feel they are not worthy.
Then, there is a +1 on the count of HSV's and a +0 on the Nissan and Subie.
Businessmen look at those kinds of stats, even if they don't pay attention to forum posts or wishlists. Why do you think they separated out the cars as individual purchases? They want these figures and stats. So lets give it to them!
Ultimately, MGT does have access to provide a solid list to the GT Team and through this process, we will know abso-frickin-lutely that they've received it. It won't be a guess or a hope. They'll have it. And then if we don't receive ANY of the cars we request, in DLC or even later in GT6, then we'll know they just don't care.
As it stands right now, this particular community voting process is in its infancy and PD probably hasn't had time to respond to it. The three cars we just were offered in the latest round of DLC were probably in works for a short time before our new list began to materialize.
I must take some blame for that, because MastrGT asked me to spearhead the effort about 9 months ago and I wasn't able to find the time. I suggested OzDaddy would be a better choice, and I believe he has been. But again, the process is relateively new.
If you don't support the process, though, it can't be what we need it to be.
If they ask "how many people voted for the new Viper?" and Oz has to report "20", it will be shameful.
I have to tip my hat to you bud. The immense support that you give to this gave is amazing. I truly love your enthusiasm.
Blame yourself not. (Jedi shit right there). Time is valuable on all fronts. You were busy. It's a game. Life always take priority. You do a hell of a lot around here and I imagine, a hell of a lot more at the Death Star. I thank you for that.
I don't know why I've become so negative towards the game that I have cherished since GT1. Maybe, as I've aged I expected my game to. Maybe, I see the same old GT that I've always seen, but this time online. Though, I've met some really :fucking great people because of that. Maybe, it's because I see what is on the horizon from other companies. Maybe, I'm just a negative nanny.
I'll vote in hopes that we might see it in GT6.
Thanks Ex!