Brindle or Wiz - I think you both made use of Virtual Super Resolution (in AMD terms) for AC, correct? How did you set that up on your nVidia control panel, exactly?
It looks like it is possible, but more complicated to set up. If I am correct, I need to create a "custom resolution" under the resolutions tab, and then go to desktop resizing and make sure it will let the GPU do the rescaling. Does that sound correct? Missing anything?
I followed the instructions outlined here -
I did actually figure out most of that myself, but he reinforced most of what I was doing. I can say that the following statement from the article is definitely not true. Maybe it was in 2013
120 Hz and 3D-gaming : due to current bandwidth limitations it isn't feasible to downsample down to a 1920x1080 resolution @ 120 Hz.
I was certainly able to get 120 hz and a smooth 120fps with the right graphics settings.
Helpful Tip if you want to have graphics settings to revert to between resolutions:1. Copy your current standard res preferred graphics settings (Video.ini) and rename the copy something like "Video_1080_120_Smooth.bak"
2. Go in-game and play with other resolutions and find good GFX settings to let you get smooth framerates, whatever they may be.
3. Do step 1 again, but name it something different
4. Whichever one of these new "schemes" you'd like to use at any given time, simply delete "Video.ini" and copy one of your .bak files and then rename it to "Video.ini" and relaunch AC.
5. It will unfortunately not remember the resolution you needed for the copied scheme, but that is easy to set when you launch the game, whereas remembering or typing down all of the graphics settings to make that resolution smooth is a pain in the ass.
You've all helped me so much, maybe that little tip will help someone?