This part is freaking awesome! (yes, I just felt like saying freaking this time)
Organizing and managing the cars you own in your Garage is now much more straightforward. You can also try out your cars on Free runs and change racing gear directly from this location. You can also store cars you don’t normally use in a Stockyard, and transfer to your Garage when required.
This part, not so awesome. I can't believe they brought Nitros back
Thanks kiddies for whining incessantly!!
Tuning Parts:
Here you can purchase a variety of parts including tyres, suspension and brake kits, transmission, clutch and flywheels, exhausts, superchargers, nitrous and others using in-game credits and you can also tune engines and car bodies.
Two cars in photo-travel at once!!!!
Photo Travel:
Photograph your favourite cars with a realistic SLR camera in such locations as Ronda, the Valencia City of Arts and Sciences, Gemasolar in Spain, and Siracusa in Italy. It is now possible to simultaneously place 2 cars in locations to photograph.
This will be really cool for us I think. Might provide a way out of just 100 people friended to "hosttuna" and "tututuna".
Players can create their own clubs, communicate with one another in the forums and organise race events for their members. It is possible to select from a private racing club, and a public racing club that is open to everyone.
B-Spec to be released later. This is actually good news because it virtually guarantees that it will be a lot more comprehensive and integrated than previous B-specs have been. Should mean they are living up to the words below "precision instructions".
B Spec:
The B spec mode is a mode where you give precision instructions to your driver as a race director. This popular feature from previous versions of GT will be added in a future update. Look forward to the new, more powerful B Spec mode.
Unfortunately, it looks like a lot of promised features will not be included on Dec. 6th, but we will have a lot to do either way:
Course Maker:
This feature, available at a later stage through an update, will allow you to create your own custom tracks that can be driven in the game. Additionally, in another update we will add the possibility to generate a track by capturing the GPS coordinate data of a mobile app while you are driving that course. This GPS-generated tracks will be available in the game as playable content.
Data Logger:
This feature allows you to analyse your saved replay data to show Speed, Engine RPM, Throttle Input, Gear Position, Steering Angle, etc. in a graphical format. This feature will be added in a future update.
GPS Visualiser:
In a future update, we will add the GPS Visualiser. This is a feature that allows you to import Controller Area Network (CAN), used to regulate automobile systems, and GPS coordinate data from a real life car into Gran Turismo 6, and visualise the data as a replay in the game. The feature is planned to be compatible with the Toyota Motor Corporation’s CAN-Gateway ECU.
Mobile Devices:
Online community features can be accessed through the iOS Safari and standard Android browsers. In addition, a future update will provide linked features through a specialised mobile device app.
3D Compatibility:
Compatibility with 3D TV’s will be added in a future update.