My observations after 3.5 hours of drive time and 15% game completion. (yes, I know I waaaaay behind you guys.
-the odometer works for in-car view.
-seeing friends drive lines is cool, its nice to know were you stand and need to improve.
-damage, dirt seems more pronounced.
-can buy any car without waiting for used car lot.
-would be nice if you could view car in garage at any time like after upgrading.
-more rim options.
-can upgrade cars in events! Yeah!
-forced replay after each race??? Blah.
-time spent upgrading cars occurs while race loads. Yeah!
-cone challenge, didn't Forza do this already?? Also, hard as :fuck .
-uneven AI. See 1V1 with GTRs against any other event in the first part of this game.
I am enjoying this game. Still a bit away from being able to race on-line with you fishes.