Since it looks as if Friday nights are free for many people, is anyone interested in doing a test night for a handipcapped 450 PP event? Your car shouldn't matter - only your consistent times.
I would like to test the idea of a staggered start, to see if we can arrange getting most drivers at the finish line at the same time. I have a plan for the starts, but I need a few drivers (maybe 6-8?) to help test this with something like a half hour race on some longish track (La Sarthe, Bathurst (walls!) or Silverstone (less walls)?), so that there is little chance of lapping. GT6's qualifying starts currently don't work for this - I tried - and you will also need about half an hour of practice to get really consistent. So, if everyone shows up on time, we can do this in about one hour.
I had been thinking that this would be like an Australian Pursuit in cycling, but they are actually elimination races, so it isn't the same thing. Elim car races aren't all that much fun because too many people have to sit and wait for the finish, but a clustered finish should be more exciting.
Admin note there is a Friday night event. Actually two Charlie's Midnight Shows are on hiatus and we are still expedting them to return.