I doubt many of the coders that would be responsible for the fixes had much to do with the movie being made. looks like two entirely separate issues.
But then I don't blame the coders for the failure either. I blame the overall project manager and also "upper" management. After working for over 25years in information technology you learn that the coders only do what they are told. But then there's usually an acceptance test phase where the "bugs" get worked out.
Let me say firstly, I still love Gran Turismo.
But, as a person who hosts at least 2 events a week (used to be three), GT6 has cut into my livelihood. I have yet to have a totally glitchless evening hosting in GT6. It's gotten better but I think we'd have better luck with "let's all hit enter on the 7". I realize that was Prolong. But GT5 Online wasn't nearly as carpy as GT6 (and by now you know how'd I'd prefer to spell it
) 'Stepper proved it as recently as this past Tuesday.
Sorry, I've gotten spoiled by another game that didn't take as near as much of my money but still appears to listen to its users, try to fix problems (even ones they create), and do it in a fairly timely manner - i.e. monthly updates.
We, however, do not appear to be important to PD. That's not being negative. It's actually kinda stating fact based upon observed behavior. And yet they always seems to find time for various and other sundry efforts.
But I still love this place, you guys, and yes, as I said at the start, even Gran Turismo. If I didn't do you think I'd still put on evnets every :fucking week?!
InMyHumbleOpinion (aka IMHO) YourMileageMayVary (aka YMMV)
p.s. i actually thought the "war on negativity" was focused on something else, not PD. we've always griped about PD. Why did we call it Prolong? why do we always say "soon"? and yet we always figure out how to adapt (and post about it for others). we are actually a value-add for PD. and we live up to our side of the bargain each and every week with our events. but they usually give us what seems like empty promises.