CharlieTuna's GT5 Helmets and Suits Collection (online)Currently Available InventoryHelmetsChopper: Completed (34/34).
Horizon: Completed (34/34).
Masquerade: Completed (34/34).
Striker: Completed (34/34).
Aqua: Completed (34/34).
Back Vision: Completed (34/34).
Blizzard: Completed (34/34).
Carbon: Completed (34/34).
Cross: Completed (34/34).
Desert Camouflage: Completed (34/34).
Divider: Completed (34/34).
Downforce: Completed (34/34).
Fast Rain: Completed (34/34).
Glitter: Completed (34/34).
Granito: Completed (34/34).
Gravity: Completed (34/34).
Reinforced: Completed (34/34).
Safari: Completed (34/34).
Selene: Completed (34/34).
Skully: Completed (34/34).
Small Jaw: Completed (34/34).
Spinning Ball: Completed (34/34).
Storm Line: Completed (34/34).
Trickster: Completed (34/34).
Untamed: Completed (34/34).
Warp Drive: Completed (34/34).
Wonderland: Completed (34/34).
Wrap: Completed (34/34).
SuitsBicolor I: Completed (34/34).
Bicolor II: Completed (34/34).
Double Stripe: Completed (34/34).
Trainee: Completed (34/34).
Blaze: Completed (34/34).
Checquered: Completed (34/34).
Chicane: Completed (34/34).
Double Stripe Pro: Completed (34/34).
Graffiti: Completed (34/34).
Flame: Completed (34/34).
Foehn: Completed (34/34).
Grid Mesh: Completed (34/34).
Intersection: Completed (34/34).
Mistral: Completed (34/34).
Ripple: Completed (34/34).
Saturn: Completed (34/34).
Scorpion: Completed (34/34).
Sidewinder: Completed (34/34).
Slider: Completed (34/34).
Spiral: Completed (34/34).
Swell: Completed (34/34).
Thunder: Completed (34/34).
Titan: Completed (34/34).
Waver: Completed (34/34).
Woodland: Completed (34/34).
Generated on (Friday, April 20, 2012 12:58:57 PM).
It takes seven outfits (suit and helmet combos) to fully augment your team with matching suits... For example, Boston - how would you like a set of seven black and gold racing suits with matching helmets? Or, Baked - how about a bright blue suit to go with your Plazma Blue birthday presents, i.e. send a car and matching outfit...
For those who don't clone, feel free to send me your wanted (and unwanted) suits/helmets and I will generate enough to outfit you and your six robo-Bob's... It will take me a day or two to get them done in our Thailand sweatshops but they will look just like the original you provide in every detail. Long term this will build up a collection of suits so that Charlie will always have what you need in stock and be able to send you seven outfits post haste...
BTW, I am currently looking for helmets to match a pink/green suit, a green/yellow suit, and violet blue/orange suit...