Not trying to hijack Charlies thread but wanted to throw it out there that if anyone has any suits or helmets they dont want I will gladly take them in and if I already have a copy I will passit along to whoever else wants/needs it. I have the bspec guys split up into two uniforms but those are the only ones I want multiples of I wont ever change them. But I am trying to attain one of each helmet and suit for myself within the game. Will gladly trade got about 120 sets racing softs warehoused. What are you looking for?
Baked (and anyone else who is interested),
Please send (or list here) your "" ID. If you don't have one, then please get one...there is an easy way to do inventories and compare collections online. Sign up - its easy. The hardest part is keeping current on the collection.
Charlie and I pretty much have the same collections (give or take a couple of items from time to time). We would be glad to send, but we don't want to send duplicates of what you already have (unless you want to outfit a complete group of B-spec boys). We have a way to compare collections online at using a (your) user ID number.
Oh, and check the first page of this thread....Charlie just updated his (and my) collections. there are over 850 helmets and 800 suits in the collections to date.